The power of EQ | Building an Emotionally Intelligent Workplace

The power of EQ | Building an Emotionally Intelligent Workplace

Linkedin Twitter Facebook Introduction :Building an Emotionally Intelligent Workplace Many believe that emotions and intelligence are opposites, but researchers in emotion psychology have recognized emotions as it’s Owen unique form of intelligence known as emotional intelligence (EQ). In the workplace these findings highlight that understanding and managing emotions is vital for a well-rounded and effective…

6 PTO polices for a smooth holiday season

Linkedin Twitter Facebook With the holidays’ festivities approaching, it’s not unusual to see decorated desks left unattended. It’s the perfect time for people to go on trips or enjoy quality time with family and friends. Yet, for employers, it’s like everyone’s trying to catch the same holiday wave, and suddenly, scheduling turns into a bit…

Diversity in the Hospitality Industry: How to Promote It

Linkedin Twitter Facebook Diversity in the Hospitality Industry Diversity in the hospitality industry is a must because it is a customer-centric industry. It relies on people to provide exceptional customer service. As travelling nowadays becomes easier, it becomes imperative to promote and demonstrate cultural sensitivity when interacting with clients (not only clients, but between the…

Employee Performance Reviews in the Hospitality Industry

How to effectively conduct hospitality employee performance reviews

Linkedin Twitter Facebook Hospitality employee performance reviews Conducting employee performance reviews is crucial to maintaining and increasing your business’s retention rate. And when it comes to the hospitality industry, it is a commonly known fact that employees are the industry’s greatest asset. They act as the soul of hospitality. Thus, the more effectively you manage…

labor laws, justice symbol

Hospitality Industry Labor Laws: How to Stay Current

Linkedin Twitter Facebook Hospitality Industry Labor Laws Staying current with hospitality industry labor laws has become not only difficult but also mandatory. The hospitality industry is a fast-paced and dynamic field that provides numerous job opportunities. From hotels, restaurants, and bars to theme parks and cruise ships. This variety makes the hospitality industry subject to…

Hotel employees holding dishes

How to retain employees in the Hospitality Industry

Linkedin Twitter Facebook Retain Hospitality Employees Retaining hospitality employees is a critical aspect of success. A high level of turnover can lead to a decrease in productivity and customer satisfaction and an increase in the costs associated with recruitment and training. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the sector has an annual turnover rate of…

How to hire seasonal workers in the hospitality industry

How to hire seasonal workers in the hospitality industry?

Linkedin Twitter Facebook hire seasonal workers The hospitality industry is one of the most dynamic sectors that has to contend with a seasonal demand for its services. During seasonal times of the year like summer and the holiday season, the business may need to hire additional workers to meet the seasonal demand. These workers are…

Top hospitality HR challenges and how to overcome them

Linkedin Twitter Facebook Introduction : Top hospitality hr challenges The hospitality industry faces numerous HR challenges, such as low wages, high turnover rates, seasonal demands, and more. However, the hospitality industry is required to provide exceptional customer service and create memorable experiences for guests. In order to succeed, you have to rely on your people…

Manage a multicultural team

6 Tips to Manage a Multicultural Team

Have you hired international workers lately? And successfully avoided the pitfalls of international recruitment? Then, you’re now ready to manage a multicultural team! Multiculturality and diversity are powerful assets for your company. According to McKinsey, businesses with more racially and ethnically diverse workforces have a 35% performance advantage over those that are homogeneous. However, the…