Do you want to know some benefits of Time and Attendance Software? Tracking time with a manual paper process can be very time-consuming but also bear the risk of significantly higher error rates and time theft.
NOVA Smart NG makes this process quick and easy. Employees can track their time no matter if they are on site or in home office. Managers can easily check the work pattern of their employees and make decisions accordingly.
Here are some interesting benefits of Time & Attendance software can help you with being more cost-efficient:
Office for National Statistics 2020, Coronavirus and homeworking in the UK: April 2020, viewed 28.09.2020,
The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) 2020, 201 million hours lost to healthcare appointments in the last year, viewed 28.09.2020,
The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) 2020, Pointless tasks take up valuable working time, viewed 18.09.2020,
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