Management of expenses
The management of expenses can be challenging for some companies. As certain aspects as business increase such as travel, the administration associated with this also increases. If manual systems are still in place, keeping an accurate record of expenses becomes increasingly difficult. Digital HR solutions are revolutionising these inept processes.
The Benefits of Expense Software:
- Save time
- Eliminate paper systems
- Reduce the human errors
- Clear view of transactions
- Access anytime, anywhere
- Simplify authorisation process
- Set-up expense policy on the software
Using a management tool allows you to have a global and accurate view of the budget of employees. Depending on the tool used, it is also possible to obtain automatic and personalised reporting.
NOVA Smart Expenses
The NOVA Smart Expense Module is a secure, full-web solution that is widely distributed to many nationally and internationally renowned companies, deployed in different countries, multiple sites and multi-currency.
A large functional cover
- Cost validation workflow
- Cost control through fee schedules
- Dematerialisation
- Management of all types of expenses by a group and by nature
- VAT management
- Accounting according to your rules
- Alerts, package, ceiling, threshold
- Credit card integration
- Payment by wages/banking interface
- Multi-currencies, multi-languages, multi-companies,
- Reporting/export
- Editors note this post was written by NOVATIVE’s newest marketing team member Ikram Elkouay