HR & Payroll in France

Good to know

Local Currency: Euro (EUR)

Minimum Salary: 1,801.80 € gross/month | 1,426.30 € net/month (Source:

Salary Payment: monthly

Salary Calculation: gross to net

Legal Working Hours: 35 hours/week (this may vary according to collective labour agreements).

About France

France is part of Europe. It has more than 67 million residents. The country offers excellent opportunities as the EU’s second-largest economy and export power. For an employer, there are several challenges in doing business in France because of the complex social security system. The general plan is based on a hierarchy of national, regional and local organisations, structured by nature of risk, managed on a parity basis and placed under the supervision of the Ministries in charge of social security (Ministry of Solidarity and Health and Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty). Understanding French legislation when it comes to HR and payroll is crucial to ensure compliance.

Ready to Benefit from French HR & Payroll Experts?

Income Tax in France

Since January 2019, income tax is deducted at source by the tax authorities in France. For a large majority of French taxpayers, income tax is composed of personal income tax (IRPP), the generalised social contribution (CSG) and the contribution for the reimbursement of the social debt (CRDS), the latter two forming the social levies.

To find out the amount to be deducted, the taxpayers makes their declaration in the spring of their annual income for the previous year and send it to the tax authorities. The declaration is made as follows: gross annual income minus dependants, deductible expenses, expenses giving entitlement to a tax credit, etc. Once the declaration is done, the taxpayers know their tax rate.

On January 1 of the following year, the rate is applied to the salary and appears on the pay slip. Any change in personal circumstances (marriage, birth, etc.) must be reported immediately to the tax authorities, which will change the rate of deduction. It is also possible to choose a personalised rate.

Withholding tax rates

Table of default withholding tax rates applicable to taxpayers domiciled in mainland France in 2024

The French Social Protection System

The French social protection system is essentially composed of statutory plans:

Employer & Employee Contributions

Social security and unemployment contribution rates


Employer's contribution rate for health, maternity, disability and death insurance

(1) For employers eligible for the general reduction, the rate of the employer’s contribution to “health, maternity, disability and death insurance” is set at 7% for their employees whose remuneration does not exceed 2.5 times the amount of the minimum wage in force on 31 December 2023. 

Social security ceiling

(2) The monthly social security ceiling in 2022 is identical to those of 2021 and 2020 (€3,428).

Accidents at work

(3) The rate varies according to the size and risks of the companies.

Family allowances

(4) The rate of 3.45% applies to companies eligible for the general reduction in contributions and for annual remuneration less than or equal to 3.5 times the minimum wage.


Social contributions in France

(5) The Social Security Financing Act for 2018 increased the CSG rate applicable to earned income by 1.7 percentage points (from 7.5% to 9.2%) and the one applicable to retirement and disability pensions. For these pensions, law n°2018-1213 of 24 December 2018 on emergency economic and social measures introduced a new intermediate rate, bringing to 4 the different rates applicable according to the reference tax income (RFR) of the year N-2. Persons who are affiliated to the French system but who are not domiciled in France for tax purposes are not subject to the CSG and CRDS. However, they are liable to pay a health insurance contribution, employee’s share, at the rate of 5.5% on their full salary. The CSG and CRDS at the respective rates of 6.2% and 0.5% are also levied on replacement income (daily allowances, unemployment benefits, etc.).



(6) The ceiling applied corresponds to 4 monthly social security ceilings (4 x €3,864). 

AGS: association for the management of the employee debt guarantee plan. Exclusively payable by the employer, it finances the wage guarantee plan which, in the event of receivership or judicial liquidation, ensures the payment of employees’ wages, notice and compensation. 

Supplementary pensions (Agirc-Arrco plans)

(7) On January 1, 2019, the Agirc and Arrco plans merged. Compulsory supplementary pension contributions are now calculated on the basis of two brackets for all employees, whether executives or non-executives:

  • The first bracket is between the first euro and the amount corresponding to a Social Security ceiling,
  • The second bracket is between the amount of the Social Security ceiling and the amount corresponding to 8 Social Security ceilings.

The contribution call rate (127%) generates additional contributions without increasing the pension entitlement. Points are calculated on the basis of the contractual rate. For bracket 1, whose overall rate is 7.87%, only 6.20% is taken into account to calculate the employee’s pension points. The rest contributes to the financing of the plan.

In addition to the contributions indicated:

  • the APEC contribution, which concerns only executive employees, on remuneration limited to 4 times the social security ceiling. Its overall rate is 0.06%.
  • The CET (Contribution for technical equilibrium), which applies to executives and non-executives whose remuneration exceeds the monthly social security ceiling (employee share of 0.14% and employer share of 0.21%)

Source : The Cleiss

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Payroll and HR are different in each country and to each business. Trust one of our local experts to ensure your company’s compliance in France.

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HR & Payroll in France

HR & Payroll in France

payroll france

Good to know

Local Currency: Euro (EUR)

Minimum Salary: 1,801.80 € gross/month | 1,426.30 € net/month (Source:

Salary Payment: monthly

Salary Calculation: gross to net

Legal Working Hours: 35 hours/week (this may vary according to collective labour agreements).

Ready to Benefit from French HR & Payroll Experts?

About France

France is part of Europe. It has more than 67 million residents. The country offers excellent opportunities as the EU’s second-largest economy and export power. For an employer, there are several challenges in doing business in France because of the complex social security system. The general plan is based on a hierarchy of national, regional and local organisations, structured by nature of risk, managed on a parity basis and placed under the supervision of the Ministries in charge of social security (Ministry of Solidarity and Health and Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty). Understanding French legislation when it comes to HR and payroll is crucial to ensure compliance.

Income Tax in France

Since January 2019, income tax is deducted at source by the tax authorities in France. For a large majority of French taxpayers, income tax is composed of personal income tax (IRPP), the generalised social contribution (CSG) and the contribution for the reimbursement of the social debt (CRDS), the latter two forming the social levies.

To find out the amount to be deducted, the taxpayers makes their declaration in the spring of their annual income for the previous year and send it to the tax authorities. The declaration is made as follows: gross annual income minus dependants, deductible expenses, expenses giving entitlement to a tax credit, etc. Once the declaration is done, the taxpayers know their tax rate.

On January 1 of the following year, the rate is applied to the salary and appears on the pay slip. Any change in personal circumstances (marriage, birth, etc.) must be reported immediately to the tax authorities, which will change the rate of deduction. It is also possible to choose a personalised rate.

Withholding Tax Rates

Table of default withholding tax rates applicable to taxpayers domiciled in mainland France in 2024

The French Social Protection System

The French social protection system is essentially composed of statutory plans:

Social contributions in France

Employer & Employee Contributions

Social security and unemployment contribution rates


Employer's contribution rate for health, maternity, disability and death insurance

(1) For employers eligible for the general reduction, the rate of the employer’s contribution to “health, maternity, disability and death insurance” is set at 7% for their employees whose remuneration does not exceed 2.5 times the amount of the minimum wage in force on 31 December 2023. 

Social security ceiling

(2) The monthly social security ceiling in 2024 is 3,864€.

Accidents at work

(3) The rate varies according to the size and risks of the companies.

Family allowances

(4) The rate of 3.45% applies to companies eligible for the general reduction in contributions and for annual remuneration less than or equal to 3.5 times the minimum wage.


(5) The Social Security Financing Act for 2018 increased the CSG rate applicable to earned income by 1.7 percentage points (from 7.5% to 9.2%) and the one applicable to retirement and disability pensions. For these pensions, law n°2018-1213 of 24 December 2018 on emergency economic and social measures introduced a new intermediate rate, bringing to 4 the different rates applicable according to the reference tax income (RFR) of the year N-2. Persons who are affiliated to the French system but who are not domiciled in France for tax purposes are not subject to the CSG and CRDS. However, they are liable to pay a health insurance contribution, employee’s share, at the rate of 5.5% on their full salary. The CSG and CRDS at the respective rates of 6.2% and 0.5% are also levied on replacement income (daily allowances, unemployment benefits, etc.).


(6) The ceiling applied corresponds to 4 monthly social security ceilings (4 x €3,864). 

AGS: association for the management of the employee debt guarantee plan. Exclusively payable by the employer, it finances the wage guarantee plan which, in the event of receivership or judicial liquidation, ensures the payment of employees’ wages, notice and compensation. 

Supplementary pensions (Agirc-Arrco plans)

(7) On January 1, 2019, the Agirc and Arrco plans merged. Compulsory supplementary pension contributions are now calculated on the basis of two brackets for all employees, whether executives or non-executives:

  • The first bracket is between the first euro and the amount corresponding to a Social Security ceiling,
  • The second bracket is between the amount of the Social Security ceiling and the amount corresponding to 8 Social Security ceilings.

The contribution call rate (127%) generates additional contributions without increasing the pension entitlement. Points are calculated on the basis of the contractual rate. For bracket 1, whose overall rate is 7.87%, only 6.20% is taken into account to calculate the employee’s pension points. The rest contributes to the financing of the plan.

In addition to the contributions indicated:

  • the APEC contribution, which concerns only executive employees, on remuneration limited to 4 times the social security ceiling. Its overall rate is 0.06%.
  • The CET (Contribution for technical equilibrium), which applies to executives and non-executives whose remuneration exceeds the monthly social security ceiling (employee share of 0.14% and employer share of 0.21%)

Source : The Cleiss

Our HR & Payroll Experts are Ready to Help

Payroll and HR are different in each country and to each business. Trust one of our local experts to ensure your company’s compliance in France.

Our Payroll and HR services in France

Good to know

Local Currency: Euro (EUR)

Minimum Salary: 1,801.80 € gross/month | 1,426.30 € net/month (Source:

Salary Payment: monthly

Salary Calculation: gross to net

Legal Working Hours: 35 hours/week (this may vary according to collective labour agreements).

Ready to Benefit from French HR & Payroll Experts?

About France

France is part of Europe. It has more than 67 million residents. The country offers excellent opportunities as the EU’s second-largest economy and export power. For an employer, there are several challenges in doing business in France because of the complex social security system. The general plan is based on a hierarchy of national, regional and local organisations, structured by nature of risk, managed on a parity basis and placed under the supervision of the Ministries in charge of social security (Ministry of Solidarity and Health and Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty). Understanding French legislation when it comes to HR and payroll is crucial to ensure compliance.

Income Tax in France

Since January 2019, income tax is deducted at source by the tax authorities in France. For a large majority of French taxpayers, income tax is composed of personal income tax (IRPP), the generalised social contribution (CSG) and the contribution for the reimbursement of the social debt (CRDS), the latter two forming the social levies.

To find out the amount to be deducted, the taxpayers makes their declaration in the spring of their annual income for the previous year and send it to the tax authorities. The declaration is made as follows: gross annual income minus dependants, deductible expenses, expenses giving entitlement to a tax credit, etc. Once the declaration is done, the taxpayers know their tax rate.

On January 1 of the following year, the rate is applied to the salary and appears on the pay slip. Any change in personal circumstances (marriage, birth, etc.) must be reported immediately to the tax authorities, which will change the rate of deduction. It is also possible to choose a personalised rate.

Withholding Tax Rates

Table of default withholding tax rates applicable to taxpayers domiciled in mainland France in 2024

The French Social Protection System

The French social protection system is essentially composed of statutory plans:

Social contributions in France

Employer & Employee Contributions

Social security and unemployment contribution rates


Employer's contribution rate for health, maternity, disability and death insurance

(1) For employers eligible for the general reduction, the rate of the employer’s contribution to “health, maternity, disability and death insurance” is set at 7% for their employees whose remuneration does not exceed 2.5 times the amount of the minimum wage in force on 31 December 2023. 

Social security ceiling

(2) The monthly social security ceiling in 2024 is 3,864€.

Accidents at work

(3) The rate varies according to the size and risks of the companies.

Family allowances

(4) The rate of 3.45% applies to companies eligible for the general reduction in contributions and for annual remuneration less than or equal to 3.5 times the minimum wage.


(5) The Social Security Financing Act for 2018 increased the CSG rate applicable to earned income by 1.7 percentage points (from 7.5% to 9.2%) and the one applicable to retirement and disability pensions. For these pensions, law n°2018-1213 of 24 December 2018 on emergency economic and social measures introduced a new intermediate rate, bringing to 4 the different rates applicable according to the reference tax income (RFR) of the year N-2. Persons who are affiliated to the French system but who are not domiciled in France for tax purposes are not subject to the CSG and CRDS. However, they are liable to pay a health insurance contribution, employee’s share, at the rate of 5.5% on their full salary. The CSG and CRDS at the respective rates of 6.2% and 0.5% are also levied on replacement income (daily allowances, unemployment benefits, etc.).


(6) The ceiling applied corresponds to 4 monthly social security ceilings (4 x €3,864). 

AGS: association for the management of the employee debt guarantee plan. Exclusively payable by the employer, it finances the wage guarantee plan which, in the event of receivership or judicial liquidation, ensures the payment of employees’ wages, notice and compensation. 

Supplementary pensions (Agirc-Arrco plans)

(7) On January 1, 2019, the Agirc and Arrco plans merged. Compulsory supplementary pension contributions are now calculated on the basis of two brackets for all employees, whether executives or non-executives:

  • The first bracket is between the first euro and the amount corresponding to a Social Security ceiling,
  • The second bracket is between the amount of the Social Security ceiling and the amount corresponding to 8 Social Security ceilings.

The contribution call rate (127%) generates additional contributions without increasing the pension entitlement. Points are calculated on the basis of the contractual rate. For bracket 1, whose overall rate is 7.87%, only 6.20% is taken into account to calculate the employee’s pension points. The rest contributes to the financing of the plan.

In addition to the contributions indicated:

  • the APEC contribution, which concerns only executive employees, on remuneration limited to 4 times the social security ceiling. Its overall rate is 0.06%.
  • The CET (Contribution for technical equilibrium), which applies to executives and non-executives whose remuneration exceeds the monthly social security ceiling (employee share of 0.14% and employer share of 0.21%)

Source : The Cleiss

Our HR & Payroll Experts are Ready to Help

Payroll and HR are different in each country and to each business. Trust one of our local experts to ensure your company’s compliance in France.

Our Payroll and HR services in France